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Spiritual and Tarot Reading party

Host your own night of tarot card readings.

If you fancy a night in with friends and family, we can come to you. We offer full tarot card readings which is an approximately 30 minute session within your own home.

Tarot readings can give you an in-depth reading on what is happening and what is to come in your life, its very common in a private setting for your loved ones and friends to come forward and give messages. 


Prices start from approximately £35 per person, within the West Lothian area. Give us a call for inquires and we can discuss your event further. 


We can also have virtual party with you! Live on the other side or the world or other side of the country? We can stream to you, get in touch for more information!


Tarot cards for psychic readings

After hours Events

Have a psychic party within Little Whispers!

We also have to option to use of our sanctuary space after the working day for various parties and events. These events are not limited to tarot, tea leafs readings are very popular for group sessions or we have a variety of other services to choose from. Get in touch to discuss what services you would like, and we can see how we can accommodate your needs and have a psychic party!

Image by Tim Mossholder
Brewing Tea
Image by Javardh
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